Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy Halloween

I am trying to play catch up with some important events that have happened in our house in the last few months so bear with me. :)

Henry had a great Halloween this past year.  This was the first year that he really got into the trick or treating.  Although I don't know why I ever doubted that he would love trick or treating.... Going door to door and picking out candy....sounds right up Henry's alley. :) This year we went over to the Hylton house to celebrate Halloween.  Henry dressed up as a fisherman, and Eleanor was the cutest fifties you had ever seen in a little poodle skirt.  Katie, Eric, Elle, Mom, Nick, Henry, and I started the night with some dinner and Halloween treats. After dinner, the kids opened their presents from their Halloween baskets.  Each baby had three different baskets full of presents to open (one from me, one from mom, and one from Katie).  Yes, all of three of us ladies realized that we went WAY overboard on the presents this year, and we have promised each other that we will use some self control when buying presents for future holidays. ;) After the kiddos opened all of their presents, we decided to brave the yucky weather and go trick or treating. Nick and Eric decided to stay home and hand out candy to the other trick or treaters.  Henry LOVED hung door to door.  He preferred when people let him pick out his own candy from their candy bowl.  When he was allowed to do this, he made sure to grab as many pieces as they would let him.  We probably went to about 15 houses, and I know that Henry could have gone to more, but like I said, the weather wasn't great.  Henry had an enormous supply of candy, but mommy and daddy were more than happy to help him eat it all. :) All in all, we had a wonderful Halloween!

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