Monday, August 20, 2012

Henry is growing up so fast!

Well the past couple of weeks have been crazy!  Henry is doing new things every day!  He pulled himself up in his crib at mom and dad's house for the first time on August 15.  He still hasn't quite figured out how to pull himself up in his crib at home, but he is trying every chance he gets :)
Henry turned 9 months on August 7.  At his 9 month doctor appointment, he weighed 25 pounds 7 ounces (97th percentile) and was 30 inches long (90th percentile.)  His head circumference was 19 1/8 inches (over 97th percentile.)  Of course his head is so big because it has a very big brain :)  Our little boy is a genius!  Henry had to get 3 shots.  He was not very happy about it, but he did so well.  We have such a brave little boy!  He loved playing with and tearing all of the paper on the table while waiting for the doctor :)

Henry is now saying mama, dada, and baba.  He said dada to Nick for the first time on August 19.  We had one proud daddy walking around the house that day :)  Henry just adores playing with his daddy.  Maybe it's because daddy basically lets him do whatever he wants ;)  These are the pictures Nick texted me while I was at the grocery store yesterday.  It seems our little boy loves playing in laundry baskets!  He was having so much fun that he fell asleep right in the laundry basket!

Our little boy is getting over a cold.  He had his first fever last week which, of course, scared his mommy to death.  Thankfully, the doctor said it was just a cold, and he would hopefully get over it in a week or two.  He is feeling much better this week.  Now, Mr. Oscar Mayer is sick with an ear infection.  My poor boys!

Nowadays, Henry loves to give kisses and sometimes slaps ;)  He is talking nonstop and trying to repeat everything we say.  He sometimes just moves his mouth and no sound comes out like he is practicing how to form his mouth to make words.  Henry now has 8 teeth, and he is crawling all over the place and getting into everything he can.  He is constantly trying to pull himself up on everything.  He can get up on his knees pretty easily, but still hasn't quite mastered pulling himself all  the way up on his feet.  He was trying to clap tonight.  It was so cute!  He would clap his hands together once and then couldn't quite figure out how to do it again.  He would open one hand and then brush the fingers of his other hand against it.  Henry has moved on up to size 2T clothing.  I am hoping he will slow down on the ever growing clothing sizes.  I already have a full fall wardrobe for him that is size 2!  He is starting to eat more and more table food.  The doctor told us that he should be fully transitioned to table food by the time he is 1.  Henry is loving this!  He has tried hot dogs, cheese pizza, chocolate pudding, cheerios, and even bites of a McDonald's sausage biscuit thanks to grandpa :)  I know I say this all of the time, but where is the time going?!?!  My little boy is growing up so fast!  I just love him to pieces!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting an update! These always make me so excited to see him, can't wait for dinner tomorrow. :)
