Saturday, March 24, 2012

Today was such a fun day!  Nick, Henry, Katie, Eric, mom, dad, and I went on a tour of Busch stadium.  It was Henry's first time visiting the stadium.  He had his Cardinal hat and made sure to bring Fred (Fredbird) and Ted (his Cardinals teddy bear.)  We took lots of pictures on the field and in the dugout.  Henry was such a good baby on the tour, and the weather was perfect today.  We all hung out at mom and dad's house afterwards, and Aunt Katie helped Henry roll over from his back to his tummy for the first time.

Henry  is loving his solid foods.  So far he has tried green beans and peas.  I made sweet potatoes tonight so he will get to try those tomorrow.  He has been sleeping really well too.  He sleeps about 9 hours straight every night.  He loves to look at the fishies on his music box on his crib.  He has also become very interested in Oscar Mayer.  He loves to watch Oscar run around and is starting to reach out to pet Oscar.  Oscar Mayer better watch out....little does he know that pretty soon Henry will be chasing him all over the place :)

1 comment:

  1. Henry could not be any cuter. Sure hope to met him this summer. Love Aunt Colleen
